Rider Profiles

Nuns on the Bus & Friends

Amelia Kegan

“So much is at stake, and yet so much is possible. We need everyone, building community, inviting people in… to help build this vision of the country where every person is free to fulfill their potential and truly flourish.”

Ana Garcia-Ashley

“As a 4th generation Catholic from the Dominican Republic and Director of Gamaliel, a faith-based national organization, it’s my calling to represent our values in the public arena.”

Deborah Weinstein

“I ride the bus for my children and grandchildren, and for everyone’s. We must Vote Our Future, and Vote for Human Needs.”

Giovana Oaxaca Najera

“As the daughter of immigrants, I’ve seen firsthand remarkable changes in just one generation. Hope, hard work, opportunity, and equity have shaped my unique perspective on the “American Dream” and the belief that it belongs to everyone.”

Kristen Whitney Daniels

“As someone who previously had to ration my insulin and other medications, I want people to know they are not alone in this experience, and together we can fight to change this system. Everyone has a role to play in making our country a healthier place to live.”

Lisa Sharon Harper

“Our nation stands on the brink of losing the democracy for which my ancestors fought and sacrificed. The only way to repair what has been broken is through radical reconnection.”

Mary J. Novak

“I am riding to continue the vision of the Catholic Sisters who founded this political ministry and, on this Bus, to do so with our treasured partners.  All of us share a vision for the freedoms essential for a flourishing multiracial, multi-faith democracy.”

Rev. Adam Taylor

“I am fully committed to an inclusive, multiracial democracy, protecting the rights and freedom for all people to vote, and to working together to promote a future of flourishing for all of us – with no exceptions – especially those who are marginalized in our communities.”

Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould

“Advocating for justice requires public witness. Civic engagement from a faith perspective is a sacred duty for me, and being in solidarity with partners allows us to collectively place our faith in the public square and to hear from and bear witness to and with our neighbors.”

Rev. Dr. Leslie Copeland Tune

“We must do all we can to encourage people to participate in our democracy so that we can preserve and improve it for ourselves and for generations to come.”

Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson

“I ride the bus to encourage people of faith to lean into the hope of child well-being and answer the call to vote for a future of public policy that allows children to be safe, seen, and secure as they play, sing, and dance in our neighborhoods, schools, and at home.”

Sarah Christopherson

“I’ve been a huge fan of Nuns on the Bus ever since 2017 when there was a very real risk that the Affordable Care Act was going to be gutted… I’m thrilled to be part of Sisters’ effort to make the world a little bit better!”

Sister Alice Gerdeman, CDF

“I want to do my part to educate around the multiple issues every person of conscience needs to consider before casting his or her ballot this November.”

Sister Andrea Koverman, SC

“I have been fortunate enough to [have been a rider on] former bus tours, and have seen the reach and impact they have on all who participate. This is a critical election that I think will change the course of our nation.”

Sister Barbara Pfarr, SSND

“The bus shows an image of the Church in Action for Justice.”

Sister Catherine C. Darcy, RSM

“I believe that NETWORK has done a great service in providing the Catholic community with the Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist.”

Sister Catherine Ferguson, SNJM

“I ride the bus to be part of an educational effort to learn and share with others about the issues that truly effect the common good of all Americans.”

Sister Deirdre Griffin, SSJ

“God’s radical hospitality is alive and well in our border communities… we must be willing to go deeper than sound bites and to have real conversations to generate creative ways forward that ensure safety and dignity for everyone.”

Sister Erin McDonald, CSJ

“Our charism calls us to love God and neighbor without distinctions and to be agents of unioning love and reconciliation. This inspires me to advocate for U.S. policies that reflect the Great Love of God and the Gospel call to care for all of God’s creation.”

Sister Janet Kinney, CSJ

“It is critical that we ‘get out the vote’ and encourage others to use their voices in the public forum about the issues they care about.”

Sister Louise Lears, SC

“Riding the bus offers a graced opportunity to build bridges, reach across differences, focus on the common good, and nurture the beloved community.”

Sister Mūmbi Kīgūtha, CPPS

“South Sudan suffers terribly due to the climate crisis and thus a healthy planet is needed in the here and now. I ride the bus because our lives are intertwined and thus we need to work collectively and collaboratively for the good of all.”

Sister Quincy Howard, OP

“This is possibly the most pivotal election in generations, and I need to feel that I’ve done everything in my power to help Americans see their choices clearly and choose wisely. I see the bus as an opportunity to make a difference.”

Sister Richelle Friedman, PBVM

“I think that it is the responsibility of citizens to vote, and to base their votes on values aligned with Catholic Social Justice teachings.”

Sister Robbie Pentecost, OSF

“I ride the bus because it is a sacred journey – an opportunity to sow seeds of hope, renewal of spirit for those working for justice, and an occasion to walk with those impacted by policies made at the federal and state levels.”

Sister Romina Sapinoso, SC

“We need leaders in our government that understand what is important in our current climate and invest in the development of people and enact policies that support them.”

Sister Sally Duffy, SC

“As a Catholic, we are committed to justice and ensuring God-given human dignity, shared membership in Church and society, and right relationship for all our brothers and sisters and creation.”