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Bus rider blogs

Rev. Adam Taylor, Sojourners Executive Director, preaches at the Nuns on the Bus & Friends Detroit Rally

A Breach, a Bridge, and a Bus 

By Rev. Adam Taylor / October 8, 2024
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When nuns speak, people tend to listen. Despite all the ways the moral authority of the church has been tarnished by scandal, hypocrisy, and the resurgence of Christian nationalism, nuns so often speak with a moral clarity and integrity that causes people to sit up and listen more attentively.  I have seen this effect in…

Clevelanders Affirm Shared Values and Vision in Town Hall  

By Sr. Louise Lears, SC / October 8, 2024
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Our second full day of Nuns on the Bus & Friends took us to Cleveland for an evening Town Hall at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church on Saturday, October 5. We were pulsing with excitement from the rally earlier in the day at Pittsburgh’s Freedom Corner, a monument to civil rights activism. I could almost feel…

Rev. Dr. Leslie Copeland-Tune, Senior Associate General Secretary and Director of Advocacy, National Council of Churches

Pittsburgh Rally Recalls Sacrifices Families Make for Each Other 

By Rev. Dr. Leslie Copeland-Tune / October 7, 2024
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I don’t do buses. Call it the remnants of trauma from having ridden buses from my home in Mt. Vernon, NY, to my undergraduate school in Syracuse, NY. The last time I voluntarily boarded a bus was when I moved from New York to Washington, D.C., and I never planned to get on one again.…

The Bounty of the Lord in New Haven

By Sr. Romina Sapinoso, SC / October 4, 2024
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Yesterday’s psalm resounded in my heart as I prayed it: “I believe that I shall see the bounty of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord with courage; be stouthearted and wait for the Lord.” (Ps 27)  These words were particularly encouraging to me as a bus rider this year…

Baldwin Town Hall Helped People Vision a Better World

By Sr. Catherine Ferguson, SNJM / October 4, 2024
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Nuns on the Bus & Friends continues to roll along, and on Wednesday evening, we were welcomed for our Town Hall at the First Presbyterian Church of Baldwin, NY by Pastor Russ Roth in his clergy tartan and our partners at SEIU. The table they provided allowed us the opportunity to register people to vote…

Brentwood Visit Affirms Our Call to Care for One Another

By Sr. Erin McDonald, CSJ / October 4, 2024
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Day 3 of NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus & Friends tour was an incredible experience filled with the zeal and energy of the Holy Spirit.  Our bus arrived in Brentwood, NY for a site visit with New Hour, a ministry founded to provide meaningful support to currently and formerly incarcerated women, their children, and families.…

Allentown and Scranton Visits Showed Transformation is Possible

By Sister Quincy Howard, OP / October 3, 2024
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Day 2 of our journey began with a site visit to Allentown, PA where the Nuns on the Bus & Friends met with Rev. Dr. Edwards and the amazing staff of the Resurrected Community Development Corporation.  We were floored by the phenomenal work that their leadership and “hope, irrespective of the challenges,” is accomplishing in…

Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, with Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould at the Nuns on the Bus Kick-off rally in Philadelphia, PA, shares glimpses of a future for freedom at a Town Hall

St. Joseph’s Town Hall Gave Glimpses of a Future for Freedom

By Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson / October 2, 2024
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Appropriate for the spirit of this campaign, our journey to hear the hopes and encourage votes for the future began on Monday, Sept. 30, in the City of Brotherly Love, Sisterly affection, and what Bishop Dwayne Royster, Executive Director of Faith in Action, called “kindred kindness.” During an energizing launch at Philadelphia’s Love Park, we…

Love Park-26 Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia

Nuns on the Bus & Friends Tour Launches with Call to Vote

By Sr. Robbie Pentecost, OSF / October 1, 2024
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This message was heard loud and clear across Love Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the kick-off rally for the 2024 Nuns on the Bus & Friends “Vote our Future” Tour. A diverse lineup of speakers made a passionate plea on a wide range of issues, summoning us to be multi-issue voters and to realize that…