All About the Bus

The Vote Our Future Tour

The Nuns on the Bus & Friends two-and-a-half week, nation-wide Vote Our Future tour is our first in-person tour in six years. We're excited to bring multi-faith and secular partners with us for the first time!

Nuns and their partners are rolling across the country — from Philadelphia to San Francisco — to call on Catholics and people of goodwill to be multi-issue voters for the common good. By voting on the many issues that impact our lives, multi-issue voters protect the freedoms essential to a future where everyone can thrive in an inclusive, multiracial, multi-faith democracy.

In addition to mobilizing voters and sharing election resources (guides, toolkits, and more), the Vote Our Future tour will also spread the message of relational voting to make sure voters encourage their friends and family to vote, too!

Why: Some politicians and powerful interests don't want us to vote, especially in ways that strengthen our communities. They try to use fearmongering and scapegoating to pit us against each other while they pass policies to line their own pockets, at the expense of hardworking people. But we know from experience that when we come together and vote for the common good, we deliver good health care, affordable housing, clean air and water, dignified wages, paid leave, and all the things our communities need to flourish.

As Pope Francis says, “The only future worth building includes everyone.” Together, we will build our future by voting for our future, where everyone thrives—no exceptions!

When: September 30 – October 18, 2024.

Where: The Vote Our Future tour will visit 20 cities in 11 states, starting with a kickoff event in Philadelphia and traveling to New Haven, Chicago, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and more — before ending in San Francisco! See the full schedule here.


Founded by Catholic Sisters in 1972, NETWORK is an inclusive, national, Catholic advocacy organization open to all who share our values. For more than 52 years, NETWORK has been educating, organizing, and lobbying for federal policies that serve the common good, honor the dignity of all, and foster an inclusive, multiracial, multi-faith democracy.

Nuns on the Bus & Friends is a project of NETWORK Advocates, a 501(c)(3) non-profit under the IRS Code, dedicated to advocating policies that advance Catholic Social Justice. Our work is non-partisan, and we neither endorse nor oppose any particular candidate or party in the upcoming elections.

Media Kit

Find out more about the Nuns on the Bus & Friends Vote Our Future Tour. Download our Nuns on the Bus & Friends Media Kit.