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With Friends Like These…

'Vote Our Future' Tour Ends With Mission and Action

October 25, 2024  |  By Ralph McCloud

I was pleased to be able to participate in NETWORK’s 2024 Nuns on the Bus & Friends “Vote Our Future” tour. Obviously, I am not a nun, but I was honored to be among the “friends” as the bus traveled the country lifting important issues and stressing the importance of participating in the electoral process.

Arriving at selected sites around the country, our bus was met with ovations that I would imagine rivaled those of rock stars on tour. The bus was greeted with cheering “fans” who appreciated nuns for who they are and how they witness to their faith in the public sphere. It was inspiring and affirming as we traveled from site to site. I saw wonderful people working on improving their communities in Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco.

In San Francisco, I saw tremendous work done by Mission Action, a local organization that 40 years ago took on the critical task of supplying temporary housing to unhoused people as well as addressing the “wrap-around” needs associated with the community. They also focus on the rights of immigrants and workers, housing rights, and health justice. We walked the neighborhood and saw incredible progress and support for their efforts.

A beautiful, San Francisco marina was the final stop of the Vote Our Future tour, and for me, it was bittersweet. It was the culmination of tons of coordination and work, and it left many of the riders with a feeling like a graduation day — our final day together. My sadness was quickly tempered as I was inspired by the presence of Catholic high school students, community organizers, and of course nuns from the local vicinity. It was a testament to the diversity of creation — young, old, and multi-cultural — all friends committed to the creation of a better world.

Ralph McCloud

Ralph McCloud is a NETWORK fellow. He joins Nuns on the Bus & Friends because "I have long held profound respect and admiration for Catholic Sisters and, by extension, NETWORK and its noble history and mission of addressing the root causes of injustice at the level of federal policy. The opportunity to be one of the Sisters’ many direct collaborators is an honor and a privilege."